The Unseen Side Of Dictators



                                                      [in pic:Muammar Al- Gaddafi(left) and Adolf Hitler(right). Source:Google]Dictators have been very complex and controversial topics in all of history.  The questions related to them have always been more or less of the line that they are brutal tyrants who kill their own people for their own  personal gains and security. Today we are going to discuss the same psychology of dictators which make them such feared humans.

But first we must learn the definition of dictators.

So what or rather who is a dictator?

If we search on the net we see the definition to be something like a person with absolute power over a nation and a person who has obtained it by force. 

“A dictatorship is a form of government characterized by a single leader or group of leaders and little or no toleration for political pluralism or independent programs or media.”

The above definition looks frightening doesn’t it? But if we look at the untold side of these dictators then you will be shocked to see that these ‘evil’ people can be so progressive.

Dictators understand the mindset of the people very well and hence exploit it to rise into power. The easiest and most prominent example of this is the chancellor of the Third Reich, yes it is none other than Adolf Hitler. Look at him the way he speaks the way he talks.

In his speeches Hitler gave the German people exactly what they wanted,the German people were tired of having toiled so hard to compensate the victorious powers of World War 1 and were feeling humiliated,they wanted a person who would make them rise again who can instill confidence among the young Germans that tomorrow would be a better day and Hitler in his speeches gave the Germans just that. The key factor in his speeches was the way he conveyed his emotions,in his speeches he would cry, be angry and all the other emotions which an average German was feeling at that time. 

This is one of the things which keeps a dictator in power, the German people felt that Hitler was one of them and that he truly can bring greatness upon them. Now in order to consolidate his position Hitler had to bring reforms and improvement in Germany. 

Here is a list of progressive things done by Hitler for Germans :-

  • Creation of the world's first modern highway system which was named the Autobahn.
  • Creation of employment opportunities for the Germans in the form of working in factories,encouraging development in science and improving the army.
  • Hitler brought in a bill to make sure that each German owned an automobile and thus the scheme resulted in the formation of the world renowned company Volkswagen which literally means people’s car,etc.



Now coming to another dictator, Muammar Al- Gaddafi

Gaddafi was the dictator of Libya, he was a rebel who rose to ranks in the Libyans rebel groups and became their leader. He and his rebel group overthrew the King of Libya for being very corrupt and   neglecting his own people. So to keep his people in order Gaddafi had to ensure that he did something for their well being of the people . So he took various steps to ensure it.

Some progressive measures taken by Gaddafi are:- 

  • He led Libya to be the first Afro-Arabian nation to have a measured share in its oil trade which boosted the economy of Libya.
  • He changed the educational policy of Libya in such a way that Libya’s citizens enjoyed unparalleled access to education and the literacy rate increased from 25 percent to 87 percent. 
  • He improved the health facilities of Libya so much that the average life of a newborn in Libya was much greater than that of many European nations.
  • Now he also did some development projects in various other nations, in Tanzania he laid the foundation of Tanzania’s first highway, in Pakistan he gave money for construction of a cricket stadium he did all possible things to unite the African nations and when he was alive he was successful till some extent.

But now after his death what has happened?

All of Libya is in a civil war, the entire African continent is a war zone. The state of Libya is a failed state and all the educational institutes destroyed or under constant threat.

Now my basic motive for writing this was to not portray these dictators as heroes but instead to show you how a nation develops under a truly devoted and nationalist one. To bring out the unknown and unseen facts about them.

After the fall of Hitler the German women were treated in a very brutal and harsh way, but we never hear of it cause we are only taught the atrocities committed by the Germans but not of the Allies.

After the death of Gaddafi Libya has been divided into 3 factions, a UN backed govt., a rebel by the name Haftar who is backed by Russia and Egypt and the South of Libya is under ISIS control.

Although a dictator uses brute strength and power to suppress the people, he ends up uniting them and ironically makes them according to the definition “Brothers” cause the people start feeling united.

The death of a dictator leaves a power vacuum which is taken by opportunists to forward themselves and it ends up making the nation a failed one.

To quote Adolf Hitler “In an autocratic government the forces who fear it try to intimidate it."

Reference:- Wikipedia.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very true... Hitler did have some positives but still you cannot ignore the fact that he was responsible for Holocaust
    I also initially felt that he had psychological problems but then I read this:


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